Alphabet soup for the soul – “M”

M is for Mindfulness “Living twenty-four hours with mindfulness is more worthwhile than living 100 years without it.” -The Buddha- Mindfulness or meditation? These two “M’s” often get confused with each other, and for a good reason. They are easy to conflate because they are very similar. Yet, both offer great ways to stop andContinue reading “Alphabet soup for the soul – “M””

Alphabet soup for the soul – “L”

L is for Light I should observe such a beam of light as an electromagnetic field at rest. -Albert Einstein- While travelling in a streetcar and looking back at the clock tower in Bern, Switzerland, a young Albert Einstein dreamed of what riding alongside a beam of light would be like. How fast would oneContinue reading “Alphabet soup for the soul – “L””

Alphabet soup for the soul – “K”

K is for Karma “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” -Wayne Dyer- Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action, word or deed. Most people have understood this idea from a very young age. It’s as simple as cause and effect. Good karma, bad karma, whatever you put outContinue reading “Alphabet soup for the soul – “K””

Alphabet soup for the soul – “J”

J is for Jesus “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” -John 8:12- Jesus Of Nazareth is the most widely recognized lightworker ever to walk the earth. Jesus could access other dimensions and realms of existence through the third eye.Continue reading “Alphabet soup for the soul – “J””

Alphabet soup for the soul – “I”

I is for Infinite Intelligence “I know this world is ruled by infinite intelligence. Everything that surrounds us- everything that exists – proves that there are infinite laws behind it. There can be no denying this fact. It is mathematical in its precision.“ -Thomas Edison- An infinite intelligence allows our bodies to breathe while weContinue reading “Alphabet soup for the soul – “I””

Alphabet soup for the soul – “H”

H is for Heaven “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on EARTH as it is in Heaven“ -Matthew 6:10 – Almost everyone has heard these words before, but what do they mean? I believe it refers to the divinity that is inside all of us. A presence that is being experienced collectively through awakeningContinue reading “Alphabet soup for the soul – “H””

Alphabet soup for the soul – “G’

G is for Gratitude “The miracle of gratitude is that it shifts your perception to such an extent that it changes the world you see” -Dr. Robert Holden- If the first thing you say every morning when you open your eyes is, “Thank you, I am grateful to be alive,” then you’re proactively starting yourContinue reading “Alphabet soup for the soul – “G’”

Alphabet soup for the soul – “F”

F is for Focus “Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. “ -Greg Anderson- What we focus on expands. Many people have been attributed with saying, “Energy flows where attention goes,” and whether the energy is positive or negative, this is true forContinue reading “Alphabet soup for the soul – “F””

Alphabet soup for the soul – “E”

E is for Earth  “What’s the use of a fine house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on.” –Henry David Thoreau– The Earth we occupy is drenched in various forms of life full of energy and intelligence, both visible and invisible to the human eye. The energy we experience on Earth isContinue reading “Alphabet soup for the soul – “E””

Alphabet soup for the soul – “D”

D is for Dharma “It is better to live your own dharma imperfectly, than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection.” – Bhagavad Gita– Dharma is the destiny deep inside all of us; it is our reason for living. In Buddhism, it means ‘cosmic law and order.’ Simply put, it is theContinue reading “Alphabet soup for the soul – “D””