Alphabet soup for the soul – “Z”

Z is for Zygote “A zygote is a gamete’s way of producing more gamete. This may be the purpose of the universe.” Robert A. Heinlein The dictionary defines a zygote as “An egg fertilized by sperm.” This natural biological process in humans and animals is the initial reproduction stage. It is the essence of lifeContinue reading “Alphabet soup for the soul – “Z””

Alphabet soup for the soul – “P”

P is for Physiology “If the placebo effect is a function of how a thought can change physiology—we could call it mind over matter—then perhaps we should examine our thoughts and how they interact with our brains and our bodies.” -Joe Dispenza- Let’s play a game! Imagine if you will find in your mind’s eyeContinue reading “Alphabet soup for the soul – “P””

Steps to awakening series, step 7 of 12

Step 7- Your inner world becomes just as real as “the world of the 10,000 things” as the Tao Te Ching calls our 3D world of physical form. Essentially, this step reinforces what some of the other steps say to us. It means that once again we get to create our future. However, as theContinue reading “Steps to awakening series, step 7 of 12”